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Example of WebProgressbar as busy indicator

I see the WebProgressBar (i think that is what it is) being used throughout this site as a busy indicator - just an animated progressbar onscreen between postbacks.

How is that done? The only example I've been able to find ties the progressbar to actual progress of a page. All I want is to indicate that the site is busy processing a request.

  • 33839
    Suggested Answer

    I'm not sure what part of the site you're talking about where you see a busy indicator.  As for your request to use the progress bar to show an indeterminate progress, I don't think you can do that.  It sounds like you want a wait indicator, which can be accomplished similar to this article here.

    Hopefully that helps.  Another option is to submit a feature request for the progress bar to have an indeterminate mode. 



    David Young

  • 45049

    bkuhn392 said:
    I see the WebProgressBar (i think that is what it is) being used throughout this site as a busy indicator - just an animated progressbar onscreen between postbacks.

    Are you talking about  the infinitely-scrolling progress indicator on our main website, such as the My Keys and Downloads page?  This is an animated GIF, not WebProgressBar.