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WebTab PostBackOptions issue


I am using Load on Demand in WebTab control (I need to load the tab content only when the user is clicking on a tab).

The PostBackOptions property EnableLoadOnDemand is "true" and I am using aspx pages inside the tabs. (Each tab has the ContentUrl property set to "something.aspx")

The Load on demand works fine when the aspx page inside the tab is in the same directory as the aspx page containing the WebTab control. When the aspx page inside the tab is not in the same directory as the WebTab page, the Webtab is loading already loaded tab.

Is this a WebTab component issue or is something going on with my code?

Here is my WebTab configuration :








<ig:WebTab ID="WebTab1" runat="server">








<ig:ContentTabItem Key="Tab1" runat="server" Text ="Tab1"/>




<ig:ContentTabItem Key="Tab2" runat="server" Text ="Tab2"/>









<ig:ContentTabItem Key="Tab3" runat="server" Text ="Tab3"/>





































<PostBackOptions EnableLoadOnDemandUrl="true" EnableAjax="false"/>


In page_load,

Tab1.ContentUrl = "Tab1Content.aspx",

Tab2.ContentUrl = "Tab2Content.aspx" and

Tab3.ContentUrl = ResolveClientUrl("~/OtherDirectory/Tab3Content.aspx")

Could you please help me with the above issue?
